Hi, my name is Mia Caktaš and I design unique clothes asimetric shaped and cut, mainly handpainted by me! At first, I fell in love with Vinyl bags made of recycled gramophone plates and excentric statement pieces of jewelry. 
I graduated at Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, but after a certain period of working in my profession, I decided to project and build my dreams instead! 
When I first started, I had no money assurance but despite that, my love and passion conquerred the fear of a failure and that’s how a successful period of creativity started! 
In a world of my creation, a special place definitely belongs to my mom, the greatest artist I know and also my endless support! She is the one who creates some of your favorite pieces of work in our shop! What more can I say, mothers are one and only! You’re guessing right that’s how MammaMia Art name had been came up with. 
And if you’d like to know more about me…
I like singing, dancing, jumping, laughing, screaming, shouting, crying…
I love sea, the mountains, rocks…
I love birds, stars and the sun! 
I love life…& I love you for giving me an extra strength when I’m tired, creativity when out of it, satisfaction when I see you pleased, a laugh when combining items together and unforgettable moments while creating! 
So, don’t you ever stop filling me with your amazing energy and motivation & I’ll try to be even better for you, for us and for everyone!